Monday, July 15, 2013

An enjoyable weekend

We'd started off the weekend with no direct plans, but over a lazy Saturday breakfast we decided to head out to Masters (Home Improvement, link here), to pick up some seeds and things for our soon to be veggie patch!
Jack enjoying the jumping castle!
Upon arrival there seemed to be a car show going on, and once heading inside there were kids activities everywhere. This was certainly out of the ordinary, however, we soon found out it was Masters first birthday!

We got to have a go at painting gnomes, making masks, decorating pots and best of all going on the jumping castle! There was also a sausage sizzle and a firetruck. All the right things for a very entertaining morning!

After all the fun it was time to get back to the shopping. We carefully chose out some carrot, tomato, zucchini, watermelon, corn and cucumber seeds as well as a lime, an orange and two lemon trees.

It's still the middle of winter here, so we are a while off planting, but now we're organised. Gotta love that feeling!

Ben also spent about 30 minutes choosing some grass seeds. Personally I thought this was a bit silly, but apparently you can never be too careful when deciding on these things.
Sneaky photos in the pram

By this stage Harry was fast asleep and Jack was getting a bit restless so after many 'Choo Choo's' from Jack I gave him my iPhone to play a train game.
The cheeky boy took some very nice photos of his feet instead.

This was really our only exciting adventure this weekend as by lunch time on Saturday it was raining and didn't stop until night time on Sunday. So the rest was spent playing inside, cleaning the house, doing laundry and best of all working on some of my WIP (work in progress) crochet projects.

Hopefully I'll get some things finished soon. My 'To Do' list always seems to be bigger than my spare time.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even know Master's was even a "thing" till last time I was in Canberra, lol. Caught between many projects at the moment?
